How does my plan work?
Take a look at our helpful video to find out how your Brandripe active request works linked here.Few readersHow to add on an additional designer?
Watch our helpful tutorial to learn how you can add on an additional designer.Few readersHow to pause your account?
At Brandripe, we understand the need businesses have for flexibility. That’s why you can pause and your subscription at any time when required. You can follow through these steps to make the adjustments to your subscription: Click on your profile picture and select “My Account” Select the “Subscription” tab and click on the “Pause” button. ( readersHow to reactivate my subscription?
At Brandripe, we understand the need businesses have for flexibility. That’s why you can pause and reactivate/unpause your subscription at any time when required. So how do you reactivate your subscription when you’re ready? Click on your profile picture and select “My Account” Head to the “Subscription” tab and click on the “Reactivate” button. ( readersAccepted payment methods and currencies
We accept verified debit or credit cards and we use Stripe as our payment processing system. Payments can be made in MYR, SGD and USD *AMEX is not accepted in MalaysiaFew readersUpdating Account Information
You can update your account information through your profile on your dashboard. Just click on your account profile picture near the top right of your screen and you can choose to update either your personal or company’s information. Personal information that you can update are: Your First Name Your Last Name Your Email Address Your Password Company information that you can update are: Company Name Company Description The more accurate and complete your information is, the morFew readersAnimated GIFs
Anyone who subscribes to our premium plan is entitled to GIF requests. However, as some of our designers do not specialize in animation. This means that they are limited to only being able to create simple GIF animations. Here are the types of GIF animations we cover: ✔️ Simple GIF animations: Simple frame by frame animation (limited number of frames & not exceeding 10 seconds) Resizing or cropping existing GIF files Change in opacity/fading Change inFew readersEdit your Billing Information
You can update your billing information through your profile on your dashboard. Just click on your profile picture and you can choose Billing Tab to update. From there, you will be able to view/update your billing details or download your payment history invoices. You can also choose to change your primary payment method or add/remove your cards. Do note that the remove function cFew readersEditing Your Subscription Plan
We recognize that all businesses will go through different seasons and will require different design capacities throughout the year. With Brandripe, we offer you greater flexibility to upgrade/downgrade any of your existing plans. Simply head to the Subscription tab under your profile and click on the ‘change plan’ button and follow that process through. Changes to a subscription suFew readersCancelling or Pausing Your Brandripe Plan
To pause or cancel your subscription, head to the Subscription tab under your profile, click on Pause and follow the process. What does Pausing your plan mean? Should you decide that you don’t need any design work to be done at the moment but still wish to keep your account active, pausing your plan is an option that Brandripe offers. You can choose to come back and re-activate your plan at any given time by unpausing your plan. Your account will remain active for the remainder of the biFew readersAdding additional Team Members
There is no limit to the number of team members that can make use of your subscription. To get started, click on your profile picture and select “My Account” From there, select “Team Member” and then click on the “Add Team Member” button Proceed to fill up the followingFew readers